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Events within date range from Tuesday 16 April 2024 to Monday 22 April 2024 included.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

16 Apr.'24
- 19:30

Buñuel, a Surrealist Filmmaker - Javier Espada

16 Apr.'24
- 19:30

Meet the Writer: Niña Weijers

Now →
28 Apr.'24

From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict

Now →
14 June'24

Guided tours FLE & NT2

Now →
16 June'24

Jelena Vanoverbeek. VIOLINS

Now →
16 June'24

Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium

Now →
16 June'24

Ceci n’est pas une exposition

Now →
23 June'24

James Ensor. Maestro

Now →
21 July'24

Interactive guided tours for schools or associations

Now →
21 July'24

Chantal Akerman. Travelling

Wednesday 17 April 2024

17 Apr.'24
- 20:00

Music Chapel Gala Concert 2024

Now →
28 Apr.'24

From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict

Now →
14 June'24

Guided tours FLE & NT2

Now →
16 June'24

Jelena Vanoverbeek. VIOLINS

Now →
16 June'24

Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium

Now →
16 June'24

Ceci n’est pas une exposition

Now →
23 June'24

James Ensor. Maestro

Now →
21 July'24

Interactive guided tours for schools or associations

Now →
21 July'24

Chantal Akerman. Travelling

Thursday 18 April 2024

18 Apr.'24
- 20:00

Farida Amadou "Carte blanche": Mariam Rezaei; Zoh Amba & Chris Corsano

Now →
28 Apr.'24

From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict

Now →
14 June'24

Guided tours FLE & NT2

Now →
16 June'24

Jelena Vanoverbeek. VIOLINS

Now →
16 June'24

Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium

Now →
16 June'24

Ceci n’est pas une exposition

Now →
23 June'24

James Ensor. Maestro

Now →
21 July'24

Interactive guided tours for schools or associations

Now →
21 July'24

Chantal Akerman. Travelling

Friday 19 April 2024

Now →
14 June'24

Lunch Tour in French- ‘Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium’

Now →
14 June'24

Lunch Tour in Dutch - ‘Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium’

19 Apr.'24
- 20:00

Huelgas Ensemble & Paul Van Nevel

19 Apr.'24
- 20:30


Now →
28 Apr.'24

From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict

Now →
14 June'24

Guided tours FLE & NT2

Now →
16 June'24

Jelena Vanoverbeek. VIOLINS

Now →
16 June'24

Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium

Now →
16 June'24

Ceci n’est pas une exposition

Now →
23 June'24

James Ensor. Maestro

Now →
21 July'24

Interactive guided tours for schools or associations

Now →
21 July'24

Chantal Akerman. Travelling

Saturday 20 April 2024

Now →
15 June'24

Weekend Tour in French - ‘Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium’

Now →
15 June'24

Weekend Tour in Dutch - ‘Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium’

20 Apr.'24
- 12:30

Weekend Tour in het Engels - Chantal Akerman: Travelling

20 Apr.'24
- 20:00

Belgian National Orchestra, Hermus & Noack

20 Apr.'24
- 20:30

Avalanche Kaito

Now →
28 Apr.'24

From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict

Now →
16 June'24

Jelena Vanoverbeek. VIOLINS

Now →
16 June'24

Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium

Now →
16 June'24

Ceci n’est pas une exposition

Now →
23 June'24

James Ensor. Maestro

Now →
21 July'24

Interactive guided tours for schools or associations

Now →
21 July'24

Chantal Akerman. Travelling

Sunday 21 April 2024

Now →
9 June'24

Let's Zing Ensemble - Workshops

Now →
28 Apr.'24

From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict

Now →
16 June'24

Jelena Vanoverbeek. VIOLINS

Now →
16 June'24

Histoire de ne pas rire. Surrealism in Belgium

Now →
16 June'24

Ceci n’est pas une exposition

Now →
23 June'24

James Ensor. Maestro

Now →
21 July'24

Interactive guided tours for schools or associations

Now →
21 July'24

Chantal Akerman. Travelling

Monday 22 April 2024

22 Apr.'24
- 20:00

Meet the Architect: Junya Ishigami