© Belgian National Orchestra, Caroline Lessire

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Inside the Orchestra

7 videos on the ins and outs of a large orchestra

Have you always wanted to know exactly what a conductor does? Or how the musicians of a large orchestra prepare for a concert? In seven videos, the Belgian National Orchestra and Bozar give you a unique insight into the workings of a large orchestra.

Episode 1: What does a conductor do?

Episode 2: The secrets of the Great Hall Henry Le Boeuf

Episode 3: Guided Concerts

Episode 4: the instruments

Episode 5: The Musicians 

The next episodes are coming soon! Can't wait and want to experience all this live? Then there's only one thing to do: attend one of our Guided Concerts! Bozar has developed this formula especially for secondary school students who want to get a taste of classical music but need an extra helping hand. Thanks to a workshop and an introduction before the concert, you will discover the wonderful world of classical music.