Centre for European Policy Studies

‘Europe Talk: The elections, the ultimate test?’

4 Mar.'24
- 20:00

Will the European elections of 4-9 June 2024 be a test for the European institutions? These five-yearly elections will grant 720 seats in the European Parliament to help guide EU decision-making. They will be crucial elections, after the huge legislative output of the current Commission, and after the Russian invasion on Ukraine, and on European values. There are many issues at stake, including whether European logic or local conditions will dominate in the elections.

Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies at Oxford University, will provide us with some food for thought. As a reporter of European politics for more than 50 years, he has been covering news about the continent and its most dramatic events. The four members of the European Parliament dive into a highly engaging conversation with the European expert who will be casting his sharp eye.

Ash's most recent book Homelands: A Personal History of Europe was published in 2022.


Timothy Garten Ash in conversation with Kalypso Nicolaïdis and Andrea Renda

Debate with Eva Maydell (MEP, EPP), Damien Boeselager (MEP, Volt), Domenec Ruiz Devesa (MEP, S&D), Daniel Freund (MEP, Green) & Eva Maria-Poptcheva, (MEP, Renew Europe)

Moderators: Sophia Russack (CEPS) & Meabh McMahon (Euronews)

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English

Sound level

Level 1 ≤ 85 db



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< 30 year

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Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability

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