Arty Farty Brussels

‘How do we address the new generations?’

13 Oct.'22
- 14:30

Despite the disaffection of the new generations with the "traditional" press, some media, emerging or otherwise, are reinventing themselves and managing to address younger audiences and new readerships. These stakeholders are reconnecting with young audiences through innovative tools, the exploration of creative formats (such as Kosovo 2.0) and investment in new platforms (such as NOWU). The stories they tell, which are more committed and sometimes blur the boundaries between journalism and activism, are in tune with the concerns of these younger generations, particularly on ecological issues. By giving a voice to a diverse range of European media, this exchange aims to better understand the dynamics the media have put in place to address young audiences.


  • Aulonë Kadriu (Kosovo2.0, XK)
  • Simone Pieranni (Chora, IT)
  • Gautier Curtil (NOWU, FR)

Moderator: Ibrahim Ahmaid (Cafébabel, DZ)

Electronic Music


12 → 16

Nuits Sonores & European Lab Brussels

Practical information


Terarken 1

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English

All activities on 13 October are part of the European Media Lab, a day dedicated to independent media. 
We recommend that you register for a workshop in the morning and stay for the talks in the afternoon.



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