NAMUN Group international

‘Tribute to Mamady Keita’

24 Sept.'22
- 12:00

Mamady Keïta (1950-2021) was not only an outstanding djembe player, he was also a leading member of Belgian-Guinean cultural life. Initiated by the master Karinkadjan Kondé in his native village of Balandugu, he joined the Djoliba National Ballet at the age of 14 as the first djembefola. In 1988, his link with Belgium was forged through the Zig-Zag association, his Sewa Kan ("the sound of joy") ensemble, and a Brussels-based percussion school, Tam Tam Mandingue. His career saw 11 albums, numerous memorable concerts and collaborations, including the one, on the Couleur Café stage, that brought him together with the great names Soungalo Coulibaly, Famoudou Konaté and Doudou N'Diaye Rose, a moment of grace immortalised by Laurent Chevalier in his film Mögöbalu (1998). Together with Pierre Vaiana and N'Faly Kouyaté, he set up the Anye Ben Kafö project which toured in Belgium. During his last years, he performed several world tours with his group Sewa Kan and offered international training sessions with Tam Tam Mandingue Djembe Academy. At Bozar, Mamady Keïta's faithful partners pay tribute to him during an afternoon of concerts, workshops and film screenings.




12:00 - 13:00 – Doors open

13:00 - 13:45 –  Opening ceremony

13:45 - 14:15 – Screening of the film "A day with Mamady": talk between N'Faly Kouyaté and Mamady Keïta during a visit to Brussels.

14:15 - 14:30 – BREAK

14:30 - 15:45 – Mandingue Folilalou - rhythm and dance collective by
- Aminata Touré
- Cadence Mandingue
- Magic Drums
- NAMUN School
- Veronique Linclos

15:45 - 16:00 – BREAK

16:00 - 16:15 – Mamady Barika by Muriel Kouyaté

16:15 - 17:15 – Testimonials and tributes from artists and friends

17:15 - 17:30 – BREAK

17:30 - 18:15 – Messengers of Tradition - teachers certified by Tam Tam Mandingue Djembé Academy of Mamady Keïta

18:15 - 18:30 – Souko - "Symphonie de Kora pour un prince"

18:30 - 19:30 – BREAK

19:30 - 20:15 – N'Faly Kouyaté

20:15 - 21:00 – BREAK

21:00 - 21:45 – Afro Celt Sound System

21:45 - 22:00 – END 

Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Sound level

Level 3 ≤ 100 db. Free earplugs



16 - 20

< 30 year




EU Disability card

