‘Beatles & Queen in symphony’

13 Mar.'15
- 00:00


The Beatles A Liverpool Symphony - A Beatles song collection - arr. Jelle Tassyns
Features Beatles songs as A hard day's night - And I love her - Love love love - Ticket to ride - When I'm sixty four - Lucy in the sky with daimonds - Hey jude - Yellow submarine - Penne Lane (trumpet intro) - Nowegian woods - Live and let die - Michelle - Yesterday - Brittania rules the waves - and much more


Queen Symphonic Sketches for Symphony Orchestra & Choir - arr. Jelle Tassyns
The following Queen themas are used : Flash - Play The Game - We are the Champions - Don't stop me now - Love of my life - Under Pressure - Bohemian Rhapsody - We will Rock you - Flash Reprise

Practical information