
‘Europe Talk - Trade and modern slavery: What role for the EU?’

25 Sept.'23
- 19:00

With Raphael Glucksmann, Saskia Bricmont, Benoit Lutgen and others

Every year, Bozar organises debates in collaboration with the CNCD - 11.11.11. on European and climate issues. Last year, we organised a Climate Talk to coincide with COP 27. This year, we are focusing on the relationship between trade and human rights. How can Europe, as a common market area, play a role in ensuring that human rights take precedence over commercial interests? 
With Raphaël Glucksmann (essayist and S&D MEP), Saskia Bricmont (Green MEP), Benoit Lutgen (EPP MEP), Manon Aubry (tbc) (GUE MEP) and Guy Verhofstadt (Renew MEP) (to be confirmed) we will take stock of these issues and ask whether Belgium, which will shortly be taking over the presidency of the European Union, will have a specific role to play.

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