‘Chaos String Quartet’
Past event
28 May'23
- 11:00
Nietzsche claimed that you needed chaos inside you in order to produce a dancing star. That is the starting point for this young and promising ensemble that is determined to go to the extreme, take risks and embrace the unexpected. In this concert, the string quartet makes a study of striking moments in the history of the art. You hear 'father' Haydn's last work for a string quartet, as the founder of the genre, but written when he was old and sick. Conversely, you hear music from the young Schumann, who until then had composed almost exclusively for piano and voice, in one of his earliest attempts written after studying the quartets by Mozart and Beethoven. Similarly, Kurtag considers other composers during the intense contemplative Officium breve: Webern and Szervánszky, to whom this short requiem is dedicated.
String Quartet, op. 103, Hob.III:83
Officium breve
String quartet, op. 41/3
Practical information
Henry Le Boeuf Hall
Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELSWhy not make the most out of it and enjoy a delicious breakfast* at the BOZAR CAFE VICTOR on the day of the concert from 10:00 to 11:00!
(Reservation required before Friday 6pm)
* two mini croissants, jam and a coffee or orange juice