‘City Talk: Knowledge For The City’

16 Feb.'22
- 19:00

Create, Share, (Re)imagine

Like many metropolises, Brussels is confronted with numerous social, political, economic and environmental challenges, such as climate change, mobility, access to healthcare, the diversification of the population and the increase in social inequalities. Given the increasing complexity of these realities and the challenges they pose, the co-production of expertise and the sharing of knowledge, especially scientific knowledge between different urban actors (associations, the political and economic world, civil society, citizens...) is essential. From February 2022, the scientific journal Brussels Studies, the research network BSI-Brussels Studies Institute and its training and public debate initiative, Brussels Academy, propose to reflect on the challenges of knowledge by and for the city, by organising the festival Knowledge for the City: Create, Share, (Re)imagine... 

19:00 Introduction
19:15 Keynote: Caroline Nevejan (Chief Science Officer city of Amsterdam)
20:00 Brussels panel: representatives from the academic world, associations, culture and public administration

  • Dirk Jacobs (Brussels Studies Institute)
  • Martin Rosenfeld (Inter-Environnement Bruxelles)
  • Peter Verduyckt (Brussels-Capital Health and Social Observatory)
  • Leen De Spiegelaere (MET-X)

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Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English


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