Vlaams Nederlands Huis deBuren

‘For Claus, with love’

19 Mar.'18
- 20:00

A literary evening

BOZAR and deBuren celebrate the enduring legacy of Hugo Claus with a literary-musical programme, exactly ten years to the day since this death. The evening will explore his life and work from a new perspective.

Marc Didden, who curated the exhibition Hugo Claus, Con Amore will discuss his predilection for Claus. Together with Béatrice Delvaux, the French-language writers Caroline Lamarche, Jacques De Decker and Jean-Luc Outers will review Claus’s legacy on the other side of the linguistic divide while the poets Paul Bogaert, Dean Bowen, Dominique De Groen and Marieke Lucas Rijneveld will use his drawings for inspiration. The Ghent singer-songwriter Renée will provide musical accompaniment.

On Monday March 19, BOZAR opens exceptionally the doors of the exhibition Hugo Claus, Con Amore, from 12:00 until 20:00. With your ticket for the literary evening, you get to visit the exhibition all day for free.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French Dutch