Young, Gifted, &…

‘Club Night: Afterparty Harlem Fantasy Young, Gifted, &…’

16 Sept.'23
- 23:00

This concert is part of the Club Night. On the program: Nubya Garcia, STUFF., Ezra Masch "Volumes" ft Moses Boyd, Samuel Ber, Marco Mezquida Trio, Kolinga, Afterparty Young, Gifted, &…​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Young, Gifted, &… invite you to a dancing night at Bozar. They will curate a fine night of music and dance celebrating the closing of the Club Night of our Opening Week and the exhibition The Harlem Fantasy ’82.
​​​​Young, Gifted, &… is a collective with a focus on artists that have an emotional perspective on the world. An original point of view. Artists who dare to create artistry in a world that applauds commodity.


Line - up 

23:00 - 00:30 DJ duo Chocolate Swirl

00:30 - 1:30 DJ Bo Meng

Electronic Music

Global Music

16 Sept.'23
- 19:00

Club Night feat Nubya Garcia, STUFF. & many more

Practical information


Horta Hall

rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels



28 -

< 30 year

14 -

Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability

14 -


10 -

Companion wheelchair

10 -