‘DAY 2: Día Historia’

3 Mar.'20
- 00:00

Tijl Uilenspiegel accompanied by Rosas del Alma

EXTRA MUROS @ Théâtre Royal de Toone, with, alternately, “Tijl Uilenspiegel” by the Koninklijk Theater Toone and a “Flamenco-avant-la-lettre-concert” with Rosas del Alma.

Our region’s puppet theatre culture originates from the time that Philip II of Spain, son of Charles V, had the theatres closed down for fear that they would become breeding grounds for resistance to his power. In response, the people of Brussels replaced the actors with ‘poesjenellen’, puppets that performed in clandestine theatres. The Théâtre Royal de Toone is the only traditional Brussels theatre from that period that is still active. Tonight, the theatre presents Tijl Uilenspiegel accompanied by the musical ensemble Rosas del Alma, doing musical battle with the Spanish rule in Brabant.