Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège

‘Discover the Kora with Momi Maiga’

19 May'25

The kora is a string instrument widely played in West Africa. It generally has twenty-one strings played by strumming with the fingers and combines the characteristics of the lute and the harp. Momi Maiga is a songwriter, composer, musician and singer, and one of the finest kora players of our time, keen to share his passion for the kora with a younger audience. Over the course of two workshops, we'll be interacting with the kora and other instruments from the oral tradition of West Africa. Then, through music, song and movement, we’ll learn traditional Mandinka songs and the history and meaning associated with them. After the workshops, you’ll be invited to see Momi Maiga on stage, and you can accompany him with the songs you’ve learnt!  


Pupils will:   

✓ Discover the kora  

✓ Situate participants in geographical and socio-cultural terms in the rich Mandé culture of West Africa  

✓ Gain experience in approaching and learning songs from oral traditions through music and singing  

✓ Discover and understand the social role of the Djelis in West Africa, both in the present context and in the past  

Jeugd En Muziek Brussel
concept & realisation
Momi Maiga

Practical information



Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels



Primary Education

Secondary Education


  • French Dutch

Primary school (third degree)

Secondary school (first degree) 

€ 12 per pupil + one teacher for free per group of 15 pupils (workshop in the classroom included).

Concert: 50 min.
Workshop: 100 min. (2x50 min.)

Via the request form.
