Ars Musica

‘Dumoulin / Verbruggen / Haino’

25 Nov.'16
- 20:30

“One of the most innovative pioneers in his field”, “a piano phenomenon”, “Fender Rhodes-specialist” and “keyboard wizard”: these are just a sample of the descriptions of the jazz musician Jozef Dumoulin. Along with the versatile drummer Teun Verbruggen (Flat Earth Society, Jef Neve, The Boat,…) he set off on a tour of Japan in 2015, where they performed with the sound artist Keiji Haino, who is undoubteldy Japan's cult musician of the present-day. Over the past 40 years Haino has mastered a huge variety of styles: rock, impro, noise, psychedelica and minimalist music. As a performer Haino is just as versatile as the styles he skillfully works with: The artist is first and foremost a singer but also plays an impressive 80 (ethnic) instruments. It is no wonder then that Keiji Haino is regarded as a living musical legend. The partnership between Dumoulin, Verbruggen and Haino generated so much energy that they immediately decided to record an album together. The outcome is a highly original combination of vocals, drums and electronics, producing a completely new definition of free jazz! The three key figures of the avant-garde/impro/noise/drone scene will be presenting their new album during this concert.

"Red Bull Music Academy Daily": A Guide to Keiji Haino
"Bruzz": Jazzmen Verbruggen & Dumoulin en aventure au Japon

Jozef Dumoulin
Teun Verbruggen
Keiji Haino






Discovery Jazz

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Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS
