‘Ensemble Qualia’

30 Apr.'17
- 11:00

The Codex Segovia is one of the most intriguing musical testaments of the late 15th century, reflecting the peculiarly close artistic links between the Netherlands and Spain at that time and, more specifically, between famous composers, such as Agricola, Obrecht and Tinctoris and the virtuoso performers they encountered. The outcome was a vibrant music composed for outstanding musicians. To coincide with the Early Visions Weekend, the Qualia ensemble will be offering a few sublime pages from this Codex, to reveal the intensity of the cultural exchanges between the courts of Europe during the early Renaissance period.

Lambert Colson
artistic direction
Anna Danilevskaia
Guillermo Pérez

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS