‘FaaS – Feedback as a Service: Reflecting on messaging, debate and criticality inside a parliamentary discussion on internet governance.’

14 Sept. →
8 Oct.'17

Simon Denny

Simon Denny (1982, New Zealand) is an artist working in installation. In June he was invited to a summit of the European Parliament gathering thinkers and parliamentarians to reflect on the future of the Internet and the ideal role of the Parliament. Denny initiated a performance in which artists and critics contributed to an improvised feedback stream, reacting live to the summit’s talks in a group chat resembling a twitter feed.This chat feed and the official parliamentary voices were then summarized into illustrations in real time, performing the difficult task readers have today when sorting through official and non-official voices online.


The presentation at BOZAR gives a first viewing of these drawings with related artwork, reflecting on the limits of technological responses to political problems and who has agency in today’s communication technology infrastructure.

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Opening hours
Tue - Sun, 10 am - 6 pm
Thu, 10 am - 9 pm
Closed on Monday


16 & 26/09, 10:00 - 21:00

29 & 30/09, 10:00 - 01:00


  • Zebrastraat