‘François Englert, Rebel and Nobel - Chantale Anciaux’

29 Jan.'22
- 19:00

Followed by a Q&A with the director and François Englert

Stockholm, 2013: winning the Nobel Prize in Physics is like a trigger for Professor François Englert. While he has long kept his past hidden like a child’s secret, this international recognition for his discovery of the missing link in the matter of the universe (the BEH boson: Brout-Englert-Higgs), prompts the scientist to reminisce about his past. The film accompanies this return to a life of permanent rebellion and shows how his dissident spirit forged his career as an atypical researcher.

Chantale Anciaux began her professional life as a legal journalist and is now a video artist, illustrator and photographer. She is also a professor of narration at the ERG (Ecole de Recherche Graphique) in Brussels. She previously made the films Une ferme entre chien et loup (2014) and Vies de château (2018). François Englert. Nobel et rebelle (2020) is her latest project. 

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