‘Gala Concert - 10 years of Croatia's EU membership’

28 June'23
- 20:00

Celebration of the European heritage

Dora Pejačević and Blagoje Bersa are undoubtedly the greatest Croatian composers at the turn of the 20th century. Their excellent knowledge of orchestral harmony, skill in instrumentation, coexistence with the stylistic expression of European musical modernity, as well as closeness to Mahler’s, Strauss’ and Wagner’s concepts, make them an ideal choice to mark this occasion – the tenth anniversary of the membership of Republic of Croatia in the European Union. Led by its new chief conductor, maestro Pascal Rophé, one of the oldest European radio orchestras, the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra, sets the music of its homeland in the wider Mediterranean context: thanks to Hector Berlioz's Le Corsaire overture we go to Nice, known as the “Queen of the Mediterranean”, and Ottorino Respighi's Pines of Rome evoke the dazzling wealth of tradition and history of the capital of Italy.

Martina Filjak, piano
Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) Symphony Orchestra
Pascal Rophé, conductor

Hector Berlioz: Overture Le Corsaire, op.21
Blagoje Bersa: Sunny Fields
Dora Pejačević: Phantasie Concertante for Piano and Orchestra in D Minor, op.48
Ottorino Respighi: The Pines of Rome

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS



20 - 25 - 30 - 35



Companion wheelchair