‘Meet the Writer: Emmanuel Carrère’

8 Feb.'24
- 20:00

Emmanuel Carrère (Paris, 1957) started his career as a novelist, but switched completely to writing autofiction in 1993. His big international breakthrough came with Limonov, a non-fiction novel focusing on the (post-)Soviet era. Carrère already presented this work at Bozar in 2012. 

His most recent book, V13, discusses the trial of the IS terrorists (including Salah Abdeslam) who were tried for the November 13, 2015 attacks in Paris. 

Emmanuel Carrère comes from a Russian-Georgian family. Carrère's mother's niece is the current president of Georgia. He remains fascinated by his ancestors’ country and is also a lucid observer of the (geo)political situation in the former Soviet republics of Eastern Europe. 

Pascal Claude (RTBF) will interview him.

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Henry Le Boeuf Hall

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