‘Sing Along with Paul Smith’

18 Nov.'17
- 19:30

Innovative performer and renowned teacher Paul Smith is offering a singing workshop open to everyone, regardless of their ability. The key? Enjoying the pleasure of singing while sharing a memorable experience together. His VOCES 8 method has been used over the past decade in thousands of schools. His approach is simple and effective: group activities based on rhythm and melody to develop participants' learning skills. Would you like to give it a go? No problem, just come along to the demonstration with Sing Along at the Ateliers Merlin this 18 November!

Interested? Register now.

Practical information


  • English

Détails pratiques:
19.30: Welcome & apéro
20-21.30 : Singing together
21.30: drink and chat

The activity is for free
Register here


Ateliers Merlin,
45 Av. Venizelos 1070 Brussels