Open Society Foundations
STAL - Sciences, Technologies, Arts & Lab

‘Watching You, Watching Me’

25 Jan.'18
- 19:00

Opening & Roundtables (Proposed by STAL and CPDP)

For the opening two of the artists of Watching You, Watching Me - Julian Roeder and Mari Bastashevski - will each host a roundtable discussion with maximum 10 participants from different disciplines and sectors.  Visitors to the expo can walk by, listen in and stay or move on. 
The starting point are the artworks presented by the artists. The larger topic being the fact that governments and corporations around the world track communications and actions of citizens, of millions of people. Justified? Legal? Thanks to the personal risks and sacrifices of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden the repressive and discriminatory ways of operating by - even democratic - governments, have been laid bare. Our right to privacy is threatened, our freedom of speech and expression suppressed.

Proposed by STAL - Sciences, Technologies, Arts, Lab - an initiative of BOZAR, VUB and ULB - and CPDP - International Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference.

In support of

19:00 Introduction speeches

Paul Dujardin, CEO of the Centre for Fine Arts
Paul de Hert, Co-founder of Privacy Salon, Director of CPDP, Professor at VUB & Tilburg University
Marleen Wynants, Director VUB Crosstalks and Coordinator STAL 
Dirk Jacobs, Professor in sociology, ULB
Heather Grabbe, Director, Open Society European Policy Institute
Siobhan Riordan, Exhibition Specialist, Open Society Documentary Photography Project

19:30 Visit of the exhibition + Start of roundtables with Julian Roeder and Mari Bastashevski
20:30 End of round tables & drink

Practical information