Board of Directors
Isabelle Mazzara, president
Els Silvrants-Barclay, vice president
Thierry Bouckaert
Christine Claus
Jan Cornillie
Hakima Darhmouch
Jean Eylenbosch
Jos Geysels
Hilde Laga
Mohamed Ouachen
Dominique Savelkoul
Zehra Sayin
Executive Committee
CEO & Artistic Director Christophe Slagmuylder
Chief Financial Officer Christine Perpette
Managing Director Roger Christmann
Human Resources Director Ignace De Breuck
Management Team
In addition to the members of the Executive Committee, the Management Team consists of:
Director of Exhibitions Zoë Gray
Head of Music Strategy, Artistic Planning & Production Aurore Aubouin
Head of Music Strategy & Programming Jeroen Vanacker
Head of WILD (Words, Images, Living arts & Digital) Evelyne Hinque
Director Marketing & Communication Marianne Janssens
Head of Institutional Relations Magdalena Liskova
Head of Partnerships & Philanthropy Elke Kristoffersen
Audience Engagement Manager Tine Van Goethem
Planning Manager & Ticketing Annik Halmes
Public Services Manager Matthieu Vanderdonckt
ICT & Digital Manager François Pettiaux
Investments, Security & Archives Manager Stéphane Vanreppelen
Manager Cleaning & Stock Rudi Anneessens
Maintenance Manager Eduardo Oblanca
Technical Production Manager Nicolas Bernus
Legal Organisation
The Centre for Fine Arts is a limited company of public law with a social purpose. Find out about its legal status and how it operates.