
7 Oct.'15 →
17 Jan.'16

Home of eternity

More than two hundred archaeological treasures, miniatures, fabrics and sculptures from prestigious Turkish museums are on view for the very first time here in Brussels. They give an intriguing overview of the civilisations which came together hundreds of years ago, succeeded one another and merged in Anatolia. In this exhibition you find out what unites Hittites and Ottomans, Christians and Muslims, or the Phrygian goddess Cybele and the Olympian gods. In Anatolia you discover the age-old relationship between rituals and cults relating to the cosmos, nature, the gods and their relationship with people, from prehistoric times right up until the twentieth century.

Curators: Chevalier Marc Waelkens & Zülküf Yılmaz.

More info


Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

During the final weekend your ticket will cost you just € 8 rather than the usual price of € 14. This offer cannot be combined with any other reductions and is only valid on full price tickets.

The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm, and until 9 pm on Thursdays (24.12 & 31.12 until 16pm)


Under 26? Only € 2 for an exhibition on Wednesdays!

Ed. Lannoo € 45

Guided tours on demand via groups@bozar.be or +32 (0)70 344 577. Price: € 75 – 95 (weekends and late-night openings)

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