‘Discovery trails for schools: Art for all’

6 Dec.'19 →
19 Apr.'20

Keith Haring

This exhibition is currently closed due to the COVID-19 situation. Discovery trails taking place before 3 May are cancelled. Visit this page for more information or to request a refund.


During these explorations, a guide leads the children through the exhibition and tells exciting stories to accompany Keith Haring’s colourful works of art. They use various drawing and painting materials to experiment with Haring’s art, with dynamic lines, colour and humour, and share what they consider important today!  

Objectives :

•    To make your pupils aware of art: what is an artist? How do they express themselves?
•    To understand where Keith Haring’s visual language comes from; to question lines and colours  
•    To link Keith Haring’s activism to what children see in society: what do they want to change, and what is the message we want to convey today?  
•    To talk about values like openness and respect for others 
•    Learn by creating “in the style of”

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


Guided Tours


Primary Education


  • English French Spanish German Dutch Italian Sign language

Duration: 1:30

Price: € 65 + 1 teacher for free for every 15 students