Théâtre de Namur
Hip Hop, du Tremplin à la scène
Cultural Center Jacques Franck
Charleroi danses
Halles de Schaerbeek
Cultural Centre of Huy
Company Victor B.

‘Julien Carlier’

8 Sept.'17
- 20:00

Déjà Vu

"Déjà-vu" explores the labyrinth in all its forms: whether the labyrinth of the mind or an external labyrinth, one that we carry within or one that we physically enter. It is the starting point for all levels of the creative process, not only in terms of movement and stage sets, but also the piece’s dramatic construction.
On stage, four dancers tell us four different stories.
They wander around, cross paths, meet, and then continue on their way. They pursue their own particular purpose, their journey following their Ariadne's thread.
Through these four characters, "Déjà-vu" tells us about choices, the passing of time and how it oppresses us, the direction our lives can take without us realising it, and the feeling of sometimes being lost within our own story.


Choreography : Julien Carlier - Dance : Fanny Brouyaux, Davide Zazzera, Arthur Pedros, Julien Carlier - Music : Simon Carlier - Text : Thibaut Nève - Scenography : Justine Bougerol - Costumes : Marine Stevens - Lighting : Julien Soumillon - Artistic advisors : Karine Ponties, Jean-Michel Frère


Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS