‘Meccore String Quartet’

27 Nov.'16
- 11:00

The Meccore String Quartet is proud of its Polish origins. This is why the concert programme features work by the foremost Polish composer of the 20th century, Karol Szymanowski. Modernist beyond doubt, his Second String Quartet does, however, leave traces of late romanticism at some points. Grieg’s String Quartet will also be performed. It is actually the second of three string quartets, but the first was lost and the third unfinished. Fortunately, the Quartet in G minor was kept and completed. It is romantic through-and-through and full of melancholy, drama and emotion. On hearing it for the first time, Franz Liszt remarked, "It has been a long time since a new composition, and a string quartet at that, has intrigued me as greatly as this distinctive and admirable work by Grieg."


Edvard Grieg

String Quartet, op. 27

Karol Szymanowski

String Quartet no. 2, op. 56

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS