‘Ryelandt Trio plays Frank Zappa’

3 Dec.'23
- 11:00

Bozar Next Generation

▷▶︎▷ Want to triple your pleasure for a very small price? 
​​​​​​​A combined ticket allows you to attend all the events around Frank Zappa for just 46 euros, saving you 10 euros!​​​​​​​

This concert definitely crosses boundaries. Frank Zappa is one of the most legendary and idiosyncratic rock musicians of all time, but his influence and inspiration extend far beyond the genre. Very early on, he showed a brilliant enthusiasm for compositional techniques and sound structures from classical music. This no doubt also prompted the late Luc Brewaeys to adapt a number of Zappa compositions for classical instruments. The young Reyland Trio takes on the challenge of introducing you to Frank Zappa in a very special way.

Ryelandt Trio's concert will be broadcast on 2 Jan. '24, at 20:00 on Klara.​​​​​​​

Ryelandt Trio
Robert Groslot

La Fenice

Frank Zappa

Selection of works, arranged by Luc Brewaeys


Young talents


Bozar Next Generation





2 + 3

Zappa. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Why not make the most out of it and enjoy a delicious breakfast* at the BOZAR CAFE VICTOR on the day of the concert from 10:00 to 11:00!
(Reservation required before Friday 6pm)

* two mini croissants, jam and a coffee or orange juice 



14 -

Concert + Breakfast

18 -

< 30 year + Breakfast

14 -

< 30 year

10 -

Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability

10 -