‘Wish you were here’

29 Apr.'16
- 20:00

An invitation from Ivo van Hove

Ivo van Hove has got off to a great start as director of the Toneelgroep Amsterdam. 2015 has been a real success story, not just in the Netherlands and Flanders, but also in cities such as Paris, Avignon, London, Edinburgh, Philadelphia, New York and Buenos Aires. Van Hove won the Laurence Olivier Award for his production of A View from the Bridge and his childhood idol David Bowie has asked him to direct the musical Lazarus. BOZAR is giving him carte blanche to put together an evening with compatriots who have proved a source of inspiration to him; well-known or less well-known names with a fascinating story, so-called ‘avant-gardists’ who, each in their own field, dare to look beyond the borders and make a difference. Wish you were here is the name of the tried and tested formula in Amsterdam. It could just as easily be called: glad you could make it. This is an evening dedicated to listening and enjoying, with food and drink and plenty of time to talk about it afterwards.

Ivo van Hove invites a dozen artists, among them :
Bas Heijne, writer
Wende, singer
Michel van der Aa, composer
Nanouk Leopold, filmmaker
Michiel van Erp, filmmaker
Viktor & Rolf, fashion designers
Halina Reijn, actress.

The evening will be hosted by Chantal Pattyn.




Practical information


Horta Hall

rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • Dutch

In the framework of

  • the Netherlands presidency of the Council of the European Union