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Call for letters: Little Amal needs 10,000 letters from young people all around the world

Little Amal is planning to deliver 10,000 letters to the European parliament in Brussels during her visit in Brussels on 6 and 7 October 2021, and she needs your help! Everyone can participate and write a letter with their friends, family, primary or secondary school class.

Each letter will be written by a child who has answered one big question: what do you wish you could change in the world for children like you and little Amal?

Your letter can be long or short, complex or simple and it can be written in any language you speak. All that matters is that your message comes from the heart!


Address your letter before 1 October to:


Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

111-115, Boulevard Emile Jacqmain

1000 Bruxelles - Belgique

Or by e-mail to


By Wednesday 6 October we hope Little Amal, la Monnaie, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, BxlRefugees, Good Chance, Chaire Mahmoud Darwich and Bozar will deliver a mountain of letters to the European parliament in Brussels during an event that celebrates the voices of children from across the world.

Education and activity pack

Are you interested to know more about The Walk or discuss various topics such as migration and climate with your pupils or a group of young people? Download here the education pack especially developed for young people from 5 to 16 years old here online:. 

Find out more about the Walk activities in Brussels and on our programmes specially designed for teachers and their pupils.