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Visit Michel François' exhibition with children and young people

Let’s make your visit of Michel François. Contre nature unforgettable. These few tips will enrich your visit, both young and old. Let your emotions and imagination run wild!

But before diving into the exhibition...

... we would like to give you another little tip. An exhibition is a place of discovery where you can look at works of art, ask questions and test your imagination and creativity. It is also a place where valuable objects are displayed. That is why we ask you not to touch the objects and not to run around the rooms.

£ Let yourself be guided by the young person(s) you are accompanying and discover the works that attract them the most.
£ Spend some time in front of the works that speak to you, intrigue you or arouse a particular emotion, and not just those that you find "beautiful".
£ Don't challenge yourself to stop in front of every work in the exhibition. Explore at your own pace and take your time.
£ Leave enough room for discussion. There are no wrong interpretations.
£ Feel free to stop at any time to draw or make notes in your notebook.
£ Have fun!

© Narhalie Dolmans


Hide & Seek

Go in search of the everyday objects that Michel François uses in his works. Once you have found them and identified them, draw or write them down in your sketchbook. For example: a mirror, a balloon, a plant, a bottle, etc.

👧 Ask your kids...👨

These objects that you might find at home, at school or in the street are considered works of art here. What do you think about this? Does this change the way you look at the artwork or its meaning?

© Nathalie Dolmans
Riddle riddle riddle

Go around the room together or separately and secretly choose a work. Meet each other again and make the other person guess the chosen work by using clues. For example: my work is transparent, it moves, there are different materials, it is big, when I look at it I think of ..., etc. Once you have guessed which work it is, move closer to it and look at it carefully. Explain the clues that helped you guess it.

👧 Ask your kids...👨

When you look at this work, what do you feel? Is there a particular atmosphere, an emotion, certain smells? Does this work make you think of something?

© Nathalie Dolmans
Change your perspective

The works in an exhibition are often placed at adult height. But what happens when we look at them differently or from another point of view? Choose a work. Look at it for a few moments from your own point of view as a child or an adult. Take note of a few elements that seem significant to you. If possible, bring the child to adult height. What changes? For example: a detail has appeared, the colour seems different, there is a reflection, the light is not the same, etc. Try a few variations: the adult comes down to the child's height, you approach the work very closely to observe the details of the material, you watch it from a distance to see the whole thing from further away, you watch it from the side or with one eye closed. Feel free to imagine other ways of observing the works and to note your observations in your notebook.

👧 Ask your kids...👨

Did you perceive the details that caught your attention differently depending on your point of view? What changed when you changed your point of view?

Tell a story 

Choose a work and look at it. Make up a story together by placing this work in a situation from your everyday life.  Imagine the artwork is in your living room, on the playground, on the moon... Use elements such as the title, materials, colours, details, etc. Use your imagination and your fantasy, even if your story does not match Michel François' at all.

👧 Ask your kids...👨

What is the name of this work? Why did Michel François call it that way?How did he create this work? What techniques, working methods or materials did he use?

© Nathalie Dolmans
Young journalist

Here is a final activity to round up what you have discovered together. Each child takes on the role of a journalist to produce a report on the exhibition. As if he·she were presenting the news, he·she: explains here he·she is; explains what he·she did here, what can be seen here; gives his·her personal opinion on the exhibition; gives advice to the public, interviews a visitor.

Ready to take up the challenge? Film your report and don't hesitate to share it with us using the hashtag #BozarAndYou

Even more pleasure!

We hope you have enjoyed your visit to our exhibition and that you will make other creative visits in the future, inspired by the tips and activities we have given you.

Would you like to stay informed about our activities? Subscribe to our Family & Kids newsletter or visit our website.

Did you enjoy the exhibition? Talk to your children's teachers. We organise various activities for schools.