Its purpose is to enhance its value, as well as its potential for social development in collaboration with CSOs, local authorities and the creative sector. HerMap has two distinct strands: a training strand on heritage management, with Iranian partners and coordinated by The Heritage Management Organization (2019-2023); and a cultural strand, managed by Goethe-Institut/Cultural Section of the Embassy of Germany in Tehran and Bozar.
Co-funded mainly by the European Commission (DG Partnerships), the project is led by The Heritage Management Organization - HERITAGE (Greece) in partnership with the Goethe-Institut (Germany) Bozar, which have been working for many years on strengthening cultural relations and cooperation to increase mutual understanding.
Artistic research residency programme
The cultural strand consists of an artistic research residency programme, Iran-Europe, offering a platform to reflect, re-use and re-activate cultural heritage through artistic means in collaboration with local artists and communities. The programme is organised as a means to preserve and revalue tangible and intangible cultural heritage by creating new ways for its perception, reception and communication. It aims at developing the potential of cultural heritage for new generations by promoting its contemporary reception and knowledge, by linking past and present.
It is at the same time itself divided into two phases. The first one, ran from 2019 to 2021, was dedicated to tangible heritage and revolved around living archives and industrial heritage. The second one started in 2022, and is devoted to intangible heritage namely creative music and classical Iranian poetry. Each phase consisted of a call for projects; an experimental lab and study visits; an artists-in-residence programme; a creative heritage final encounter.